Shatley Springs Inn
category : Businesses
Located 5 miles north of Jefferson on NC 16 in Ashe County. The water's free at Shatley Springs but the jugs will cost you. Martin Shatley discovered Shatley Springs in 1890, when a dip in its waters cured a life-threatening skin disease. Thousands have flocked to the springs since, to cure skin diseases, digestive problems, rheumatism, and nervous twitches. People still come to take the waters, but more drop by to hike the buffet line. Shatley Springs' huge 1930s style restaurant serves its Southern cooking to about 10,000 visitors a month. Moderately priced meals for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner from May through October.
Shatley Springs Rd.
Crumpler, NC 28617
Phone: (336)982-2236
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