Yellow Branch Pottery and Cheese
category : Other Attractions
Yellow Branch Farm is the home of a small herd of jersey cows and their caretaker, Bruce DeGroot, along with Karen Mickler and other DeGroot family members. Licensed since 1985, Yellow Branch Farm is one of a handful of farms in NC producing cheese. The Yellow Branch Farmstead Cheese is an original cheese developed by Karen after training at the University of Wisconsin and University of Guelph, Ontario. The creamy cheese has a well developed rich flavor and complements a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and crackers and is a savory addition to sandwiches and casseroles. Award winning Yellow Branch Pepper Cheese is made with jalapeno peppers grown on the farm. Both varieties, made from unpasteurized milk, are free of preservatives and aged at least 60 days. The cheeses are for sale at Yellow Branch Pottery and at the farm which is located just up the gravel drive by the pottery. Yellow Branch Pottery is located in the mountains of western NC in Graham County, near Fontana Lake. The name was taken from the branch (creek) that runs along the side of the property. Karen Mickler, along with her friend and neighbor, Carol Efaw, produces a varied selection of functional stoneware pottery. Visitors are welcome throughout the year. We have a scheduled time to receive guests, and you can always drop in by chance or make an appointment.
Yellow Branch Road
Robbinsville, NC 28771
Phone: (828)479-6710
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Come visit us in North Carolina, North Carolina