1840s Carolina Village - Hart Square
category : Museums
Hart Square is a village of 200 acres that has been reconstructed with original log buildings from the surrounding areas giving it the true appearance of life of Catawba County settlers during the early 19th century. With over 90 buildings, it is the largest collection of primitive southern architecture in the country. The 200 acres are totally fenced in protecting the fallow deer herd on the property.
Hart Square is open only once each year the Fourth Saturday in October. Ticket sales benefit the Catawba County Historical Association. To purchase tickets for the Festival, you may call The Catawba County Historical Association at (828)465-0383 on October 1. Admission to the Festival is strictly limited to ticket holders only and tickets must be purchased in advance. No Tickets are Available at the Festival and No Tickets are Sold Before 9:00 AM on October 1st. The Festival takes place annually on the fourth Saturday in October, and specific directions to the village will accompany your tickets. To purchase the 3-hour, 3-volume set of videotape programs "The 1840 Carolina Village:, mail your check for $54.90 (49.95 plus $4.95 postage and handling) to: VILLAGE, 205 Raintree Studios, Advance, NC 27600. If you prefer to make your tape purchase by credit card, you may do so by MasterCard or Visa by calling (336)998-5670 and placing your order. All videotape orders will be shipped immediately.Once again, thank you for your enthusiasm and your interest! 1840 CAROLINA VILLAGE - HART SQUARE
Address: 3 miles SE of Propst Cross Road
Phone: (828)465-0383
Our Email: ccha@gestaltmail.com
Come visit us in North Carolina, North Carolina