Pawnee City Lake and E.E.C.
category : Recreation

The Pawnee Environmental Education Center uses 25 acres of land below and adjacent to the lake dam. Access is accomplished by driving across the Lake dam and parking on the west end near the "Bath House". 5000 feet of trails are available.
There are several ecosystems present at the center. *Forests, *Wetlands, *Deep Waters, *Stream Waters, *Green Reservoirs, * Grasslands, and *Wildlife.
The Center is being developed because of a desire of the community to become more aware of their environment and how we, as humans, can and do effect it in positive and negative ways.
The Center is open to all people to study and enjoy their environment. Individuals and groups can use the Center to fulfill their desire for knowledge. Individuals will find many small identification signs about plants that will show the common name, scientific name, use, and if known, the Pawnee name.
Enjoy your stay and we only ask that you take only a renewed interest in your environment from the Center and nothing else.
Hours: Open sunrise to sundown
Address: Located one mile north of town on State Highway 18.
Phone: 918-762-2110
For group reservations call M-F, 8-4:30
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