Black Mesa Nature Preserve
category : Nature Preserves

The Black Mesa nature Preserve supports 31 state rare species (23 plants and 8 animals) and four community types. Black Mesa is a birder's paradise any time of the year. Golden eagle, scaled quail, blackbilled magpie, and pinyon jay are just a few birds that may be observed. Black bear, bobcat, mountain lion, mule deer and antelope are some of the mammals that may be seen in the Mesa region.
Hours - The Preserve is open dawn to dusk only. Allow at least four hours to walk from the parking area to the top of the mesa and back.
Directions from Boise City - Follow Highway 325 west toward Kenton. Go 35 miles to a blacktop road marked "Colorado" and turn north (right). Drive five miles to the preserve parking area on the west side of the road.
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