Jerrold A. Watson & Sons (Peaches & Such I)
category : Other Attractions
Peaches, plums, nectarines & apples (Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith) in season; tomatoes, squash, pickling cucumbers, apple & peach cider, mulled apple cider, sweet breads, pecans, muscadines, blueberries, peach products (salsa, BBQ sauce, preserves, jams. Jellies, etc.), old fashion ice cream creamery (peach & strawberry), boiled peanuts and gift baskets. Peaches shipped throughout U. S. Some organic vegetables available.
- Days and Hours of Operation: Open year round M-Sa
Address: 3771 Hwy 23
Monetta,SC 29105
Phone: (803) 685-7035
Come visit us in South Carolina, South Carolina