Balmorhea State Park Scuba Diving
category : Scuba Diving
San Solomon Springs at Balmorhea State Park fill a 'cienega' (desert wetland) and the canals of a refugium are home to endangered species of fish, assorted invertebrates, and turtles. The pool differs from most public pools in several respects: the 1 3/4-acre size, the 25-foot depth and the 72 to 76 degree constant temperature. It also has a variety of aquatic life in its clear waters. With a capacity of more than 3 1/2 million gallons, the pool has plenty of room for swimmers, while offering a unique setting for scuba and skin diving.
Visitors can enjoy swimming, picnicking, and camping. An honor box is located at the park entrance for those arriving after hours. Scuba divers must meet safety regulations.
Admission: Entrance Fee: Adults, 13+, $3:00; Seniors, $2.00
Hours: Open Year Round
Address: Four miles west of Balmorhea on Texas 17
Phone: 432-375-2370
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