Proctor Lake Fishing
category : Fishing

Most species are currently managed with statewide regulations. The exception is largemouth bass, which is subject to a 16-inch minimum length. The daily bag for all species of black bass is 5 in any combination.
Proctor Lake supports tremendous populations of bass, shad, and crappie. It is recognized as one of the best hybrid striped bass lakes in the state. Florida largemouth bass were introduced in 1979.
Trolling striper jigs and drift fishing live shad in the lower end of the reservoir works well. Keep an eye out for surface activity. Following the birds will often key in on schools of shad and hybrids. Crappie and catfish fishing can be very good at the spillway. Flipping plastic worms and jigs is probably the most effective technique for largemouth bass.
Address: From Comanche, 5 mi E on US 377, 2 mi N on FM 2861
Phone: 254-879-2424
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