Oklahoma Dramas
May 12 2025Holy City of the Wichitas' Easter Passion Play - Lawton
The birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, portrayed in pantomime, is performed outdoors under lights at the Holy City of the Wichitas w ... more » -
May 19 2025Holy City of the Wichitas' Easter Passion Play - Lawton
The birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, portrayed in pantomime, is performed outdoors under lights at the Holy City of the Wichitas w ... more » -
Jul 4 - 19 2014Picture in Scripture Amphitheater - Disney
Presentation of "The Man Who Ran" based on the biblical account of Jonah and the whale - Friday and Saturday, July and August. -
Jul 11 - 26 2025Picture in Scripture Amphitheater - Disney
Presentation of "The Man Who Ran" based on the biblical account of Jonah and the whale - Friday and Saturday, July and August.