

Explore Maine

Fort McClary Blockhouse-Historic Site

Fort McClary State Historic Site has been occupied since 1689 and for nearly 275 years was used as an important military defensive position to protect the approaches to the Piscataqua River. Fort McClary was manned during five wars: The American Revolution War of 1812 Civil War

Kittery, ME Forts

Willowbrook Museum Village

The way life used to be! Experience 19th century Yankee ingenuity while exploring 34 buildings displaying rural Maine daily life. An extensive carriage and sleigh collection, historic trades shops, two historic houses and barns, and a fully restored 1894

Newfield, ME Museums

Frost Farm Gallery

Frost Farm Gallery presents rotating fine arts with new exhibits planned for each First Friday gallery opening. Ongoing - diverse collection of matted and framed original vintage and antique prints in an intimate gallery space, nestled in an historic 1797

Norway, ME Arts

Songo River Queen

The River Queen is an honest-to-goodness replica of the famed Mississippi River Stern Paddle Wheelers. It accommodates up to 300

Naples, ME Cruises

Boom Field Disc Golf

Located on 34 beautiful acres of farm land, 18

Saco, ME Disc Golf

Wells Reserve at Laudholm Farm

A 1600-acre reserve with fields, forests, marshes, and beach. 7

Wells, ME Outdoor Recreation

Schooner Heron - Wooden Boat Company

Sail the Maine Coast aboard Schooner Yacht HERON. Experience the thrill of sailing a classic wooden schooner. HERON is fast and steady as she sails among the pristine islands of Penobscot Bay. See seals, porpoise and bald eagles in their natural habitat. Sail past Maine'

Rockport, ME Windjamming